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Chalelgn Kassaw Belete

Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia

Title: Acceptance of booster dose of COVID-19 vaccine and its determinants among health care workers at Tikur Anbessa specialized hospital


Biography: Chalelgn Kassaw Belete


Background: A COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Dose was designed to restore protection in those who initially took immunization series. Nevertheless, the acceptance level has been low even by healthcare workers. Thus, this study aimed to assess the level of acceptance COVID-19 vaccine Booster Dose and its determinants among healthcare workers.

Methodology: A cross-sectional study with convenient sampling technique and self-administered questionnaire was followed to collect data among 423 healthcare workers at Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital May to June 2022.

Results: Of 399 participants who completed the response, 80.5%, 60.2% and 51.4% of them were health professionals, in the age group of 18-30 years and males, respectively. Over half (53.7%) of them had no COVID-19 infections history. The majority (81.2%) took at least two doses of the COVID-19 vaccines. Less than one-third (28.6%) of the respondents accepted the Booster. Majority of them (86.5%) had a favorable attitude towards the Booster. The odds of Booster Dose acceptance were higher in age 31-40 (AOR=2.21; 95% CI,1.13-5.13), age 41-50 (AOR=4.14; 95% CI,1.64-15.51), age above 50 (AOR=6.00; 95% CI,2.18–16.59), in married (AOR=1.82; 95% CI 1.02-3.25), infection history after vaccinations (AOR=1.94; 95% CI,1.08-3.48) and having favorable attitude (AOR=16. 74; 95% CI,3.78-74.09).

Conclusion: The acceptance level of the COVID-19 Booster dose was low. Age, being married, COVID-19 infection history and favorable attitude were the determinants of the Booster Dose acceptance.